Sons of the Revolution
Founding and Purpose
Membership Information
Upcoming Events
Officers and Directors
Differences Between the SR and SAR
Differences Between the SR and SAR II
The Whipple Gavel
2016 George Washington Reception
2015 George Washington Reception
2014 George Washington Reception
2013 George Washington Reception
2012 George Washington Reception
2011 George Washington Reception
40th Triennial Meeting in Los Angeles
Real Sons
Centennial History pulished
Legal Notices
Library & Museum
Library Catalog
Tips for Using the Library
About the Library
Prestigious AASLH Award of Merit Awarded
Charitable Giving
History of the Library & Museum
Virtual Tour
The Whipple Gavel
Library on Bunker Hill
Commemorative Medals of the Society of the Cincinnati
Anne Coe Memorial Service
Colonial History
Colonial America
Prelude to War
Age of Revolution, 1776-1789
War of Independence
Revolutionary War Diary
A National Government
California During the American Revolution
California Chronology 1510-1865
California History
150 Years in Los Angeles
The Declaration of Necessity
Articles of Confederation
Drafting the Declaration
Committee of Framers formed
Drafting of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson's handwritten draft
Draft - Page 1
Draft - Page 2
Draft - Page 3
Draft - Page 4
The Declaration of Independence
Drafting of the Constitution
Jefferson's Recollections of the Drafting
A More Perfect Union
Constitution of the United States
The Constitution of the United states
The Liberty Bell
George Washington
A Biography of George Washington
George Washington Papers
Recruiting and Maintaining an Army
First Inaugural Address | 1789
Seconf Inaugural Adress | 1793
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington's Birthplace National Monument
The Washington Monument
Rules of Civility
The Mount Vernon Estate
Colonial Uniforms
Early Uniforms
Uniforms to 1779
Uniforms of 1780
American Units
American Farmers forming at Concord
American Minutemen | 1775
American Riflemen | 1775
Sherberne's Continental Regiment | 1778-1789
Moylan's Light Dragoons
Second Canadian Regiment of Infantry | 1776
Fourth Connecticut Infantry, Continenal Line
Second and Fourth Connecticut Regiment
Second Connecticut Light Horse Militia
Hazlet's Delaware Regiment | 1776
Private, Hazlet's Delaware Regiment | 1778
First Georgia Regiment Continental Line | 1777
Smallwood's Maryland Regiment | 1776
Smallwood's Maryland Regiment
Second Maryland Continental Infantry | 1777
Fourth Maryland Independent Company | 1776
Second Massachusetts Continental Infantry | 1777
Second Massachusetts Regiment
Light Infantry, 4th Massachusetts Regiment | 1781
Knox's Massachusetts Artillery | 1775-1776
Second New Hampshire Continental Infantry | 1777
Third New Jersey Continental Regiment | 1777
Third New York Continental Regiment | 1775
Capt. John Lamb's New York Artillery | 1775
North Carolina Continental Infantry | 1778
First Pennsylvania Battalion | 1775-1776
Pennsylvania State Regiment | 13th PA Line
Second Regiment, Pennsylvania Line | 1777
Rhode Island Train of Artillery | 1775
Officer, Rhode Island Train of Artillery | 1775
Second rhode Island Infantry | 1779
Second South Carolina Infantry | 1776
Green Mountain Rangers | 1776
Green Mountain Rangers | 1776
Lt. Allen's Green Mountail Rangers | 1775
Virginia Light Dragoons | 1776
Sergeant, 6th Virginia Continental Line | 1776
Independent Companies | 1775
Miscellaneous, Continental Army | 1776
Commander-in-Chief and Continental Line Officers | 1779
Commander-in-Chief and Staff
Continental Infantry | 1779-1783
Continental Artillery | 1777-1789
Continental Artillery
Continental Cavalry, Infantry & Artillery
Second Regiment, Continental Light Dragoons | 1778
Light Infantry | 1782
Infantry ane Artillery | 1783
Independent Compannies, Virginia Riflemen, Minutemen
Privates of Light Infantry Company and Drummer
Continental Navy
Butler's Rangers (Tories) | 1777
Butler's Rangers (Tories) | 1778
British Units
Sir William Howe, Commander-in-Chief
Sir William Howe and The King's Own
Seventeenth Light Dragoons | 1775-1783
Musicians, Fourth Regiment of Foot | 1778
Grenediers, Fifth Regiment of Foot | 1776
Light Infantry, Tenth Regiment of Foot | 1775
Private, Light Company, 10th Foot | 1775
Drummers, 10th Regiment of Foot | 1775-1783
Drummer, 35th Regiment of Foot | 1775
Royal North British Fusileers
Light Infantry, 40th Regiment of Foot | 1776
42d Regiment of Foot | 1776
Private, 42d Highlanders | 1782
Grenadiers, 42d Regiment of Foot | 1775
43d Regiment of Foot | 1775
Officer, 57th Regiment of Foot | 1776
Officer, 63d Regiment of Foot | 1775
Private, 64th Regiment of Foot | 1775
DeLancey's Brigade | 1776-1783
DeLancey's Brigade and Johnson's Royal Regiment
DeLancey's Refugees | 1780
Emmerich's Chausseurs | 1776
Johnson's Royal Greens of New York | 1776
Queen's Rangers | 1776-1783
Officer, 16th (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons | 1776
Officer, Royal Artillers | 1777
French Units
Introduction to French Uniforms
Grenadiers, Gatinois Regiment | 1781
Saintonge Regiment of Infantry | 1781
Saintonge Regiment of Infantry | 1779-1783
Gatanois and Saintonge Regiments
Fusilier, French Soissonnais Infantry | 1779-1783
German Units
Field Jager Corps of Hesse-Cassel | 1776-1783
Rifleman (Jager), Hesse-Cassel Jager corps | 1776
Von Rall of Hesse-Cassel (1776) & Von Sprecht of Brunswick (1777)
Grenadier, Hesse-Cassel Fusilier Regiment | 1776-1782
Fusileer Regiment Erb Prinz of Hesse-Cassel | 1776
Grenadier, Brunswick Infantry Regiment v. Rhetz | 1776
Musketeer, Brunswick Infantry | 1776
Dragoon, Brunswick Dragoons | 1777
Colonial & Federal Flags
Colonail Federal Flags | Gallery 1
Colonial Federal Flags | Gallery 2
Colonial Federal Flags | Gallery 3
Colonial Federal Flags | Gallery 4
Gostelowe Flags
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3
Gallery 4
The Stars and Stripes
Confederate States of America
Early California
California Chronology
Discovery of California
California During the American Revolution
Revolutionary War Diary
Los Angeles | 150 Years
Chronological List of Battles
Map of the Revolutionary War
Battle Statistics
Sons of the Revolution
Daughters of the American Revolution
Society of the Cincinnati
California Society DAR
California Society Children of the American Revolution
Colonial Willamsburg
Values Through History | Why America is Free
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