The 40th Triennial Meeting was held September 24-27,
2009 at the Hilton Los Angeles North, located in Glendale, California.
Over 100 members and spouses were in attendance. The California
Society hosted the meeting, the first held west of Colorado since 1899, under the leadership of Triennial Co-Chairmen
President Douglas R. Boyd,
Sr. and President Emeritus Richard H. Breithaupt, Jr.
Over forty attendees participated in the special pre-triennial excursion to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Below, the assembled attendees prepare to depart for the Reagan Library.
Over forty attendees participated in the special pre-triennial excursion to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Below, the assembled attendees prepare to depart for the Reagan Library.

The Opening Reception, hosted by the General Society, was staged at the American Heritage Library and Museum. Upon arrival, attendees were given guided tours, in ambience set by an outstanding string quartet playing colonial and classical music provided by California Society Senior Vice President Paul Gray. The reception, which included heavy hors d'oeuvres and open bar, was held next door in the side and rear yards of a historic home, built in the Craftsmen style, owned by Friends of the Library patron Martha Feutz. Entertainment was provided by the Sardo Brothers Band.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors declared Friday, September 25, 2009 as Sons of the Revolution Day in Los Angeles County.

Following a day of business meetings, on Friday evening attendees
boarded luxury motor coaches for the drive to the Jonathan Beach Club,
site of the festive Friday evening dinner. The activity was
planned to include attendees witnessing a spectacular southern
California red sunset. The Tennessee Society graciously hosted
reception prior to dinner. Azusa Pacific University was a dinner
sponsor. Entertainment was provided by noted comedian and
satirist Evan Sayet.
Delegates participated in a brief memorial service remembering the passing of members over the past year followed by a second business session on Saturday. The gala Triennial Banquet followed Saturday evening in the hotel's grand ballroom.
Tennessee member Martin W. Cash, Sr. did a masterful job taking pictures of the Triennial Meeting, and two galleries of his work are available from this page. Thank you Martin! (Images optimized and galleries designed by Richard Breithaupt, Jr.) Click this link for the FIRST GALLERY.
The Triennial Banquet opened with the Presentation of Colors by a unit of the Azusa Pacific University Army ROTC. Before posting of the Colors, attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance whereupon those assembled were delighted with a rendition of the National Anthem and several patriotic songs performed by Jennaca Rode with accompanyment by California President Emeritus Charles B. Witt, Jr. on the grand piano.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, 46th Congresisonal District and proud twenty-year member of Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, was presented the Modern Patriot Award at the Triennial Meeting Banquet, symbolized by the Paul Revere Bowl. The eleven-term congressman, who traces his Revolutionary War patriot descent to Pvt. Moses Tyler's service in Capt. Peter Harwood’s Company, Massachusetts Militia, gave a stirring talk.
General President Paul F. Davis presided over the presentation of awards. Banquet sponsors included Virginia Braun, George and Bonnie Thomas, and Nishan and Cindy Partamian. Click this link for the BANQUET GALLERY.
Delegates participated in a brief memorial service remembering the passing of members over the past year followed by a second business session on Saturday. The gala Triennial Banquet followed Saturday evening in the hotel's grand ballroom.
Tennessee member Martin W. Cash, Sr. did a masterful job taking pictures of the Triennial Meeting, and two galleries of his work are available from this page. Thank you Martin! (Images optimized and galleries designed by Richard Breithaupt, Jr.) Click this link for the FIRST GALLERY.
The Triennial Banquet opened with the Presentation of Colors by a unit of the Azusa Pacific University Army ROTC. Before posting of the Colors, attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance whereupon those assembled were delighted with a rendition of the National Anthem and several patriotic songs performed by Jennaca Rode with accompanyment by California President Emeritus Charles B. Witt, Jr. on the grand piano.
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, 46th Congresisonal District and proud twenty-year member of Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, was presented the Modern Patriot Award at the Triennial Meeting Banquet, symbolized by the Paul Revere Bowl. The eleven-term congressman, who traces his Revolutionary War patriot descent to Pvt. Moses Tyler's service in Capt. Peter Harwood’s Company, Massachusetts Militia, gave a stirring talk.
General President Paul F. Davis presided over the presentation of awards. Banquet sponsors included Virginia Braun, George and Bonnie Thomas, and Nishan and Cindy Partamian. Click this link for the BANQUET GALLERY.
© 2015 Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, Inc.