[Ealge with Flag]

This regiment was organized May 20, 1775, under under the command of Colonel Enoch Poor. In 1777, we find it under command of Colonel Nathan Hale, who was taken prisoner with the entire regiment at Hubbardton, Vermont, July 7, 1777.

We find that Captain Caleb Robinson's company wore sky blue coats faced with red and lined with white, which was probably the uniform of the regiment at that time. Their waistcoats and breeches were of buckskin, and their stockings of white or gray wool.

In the drawing we see a private with a canvas knapsack, and crossbelts of buff leather, which the Americans adopted before they were authorized for the regular British Army. The buttons were of pewter stamped, as were the buttons of the Continental Army at this period, with the state and the number of the regiment.

The colors of this regiment, one a light gray-blue and the other buff, were taken by the British at Fort Anne two months before the battle of Saratoga, and are still in England.

[REFERENCES: "Memorandum of clothes belonging to Timothy Woodle, private in Captain Robinson's company, Colonel Hale's Regiment, Albany, November 14, 1777," a manuscript in the Ebenezer Stevens Papers in the New York Historical Society. The flags of this regiment are shown in photographic reproduction in Gherardi Davis's Regimental Colors in the War of the Revolution, plate XIII, and in colors in Avery's History of the United States, VI, 95.]

Second New Hampshire Regiment of Infantry, 1777 Continental Line

Second New Hampshire Regiment of Infantry, 1777

[SOURCE: Uniforms of the Armies in the War of the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Lt. Charles M. Lefferts. Limited Edition of 500. New York York Historical Society. New York, NY. 1926.]

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