This regiment was the best uniformed and equipped in the army of 1776.
Their dress was a short blue jacket, faced and lined with red; a white waistcoat and buckskin breeches; white knit stockings with short black canvas gaiters or spatterdashes. The buttons were of pewter for the men, and gilt for the officers, marked "D B" for "Delaware Battalion."
They wore small round caps of black jacked leather, with a high peak in front on which was painted in gilt: Liberty and Independence and Delaware Regiment, as shown in drawing. The crest is that of Delaware, "a full rigged ship," and within the center scroll "a sheaf of wheat," as on the paper money issued by Delaware in 1776. A short red feather plume was worn on the left side of the cap above the leather cockade, by the officers and men when on parade.
[REFERENCES: Delaware ,Archives, Military, vol. I ( 19 11 ) ; William G. Whiteley, "The Revolutionary Soldiers of Delaware," in No. XIV of Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware (1896); "Diary of Captain Thomas Rodney," in Papers of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, no. VIII (1888) ; The Battle of Long Island (Memoirs of Long Island Hist. Soc., 11 (1869), pp. 180, 392) see descriptions of deserters, printed post.]