In July, 2006 the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH), announced that the Sons of the Revolution in the State of California was selected as a 2006 Award of Merit winner by the Leadership in History Awards committee for the Catalog Modernization and Collection Organization Project. The AASLH Leadership in History Awards is the nation's most prestigious competition for recognition of achievement in state and local history. The gala awards banquet was sponsored by The History Channel.

Sons of the Revolution
in the State of California
is a 2006 AASLH Award Winner
NASHVILLE, TN - July, 2006 - The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) proudly announces that Sons of the Revolution in the State of California is the recipient of an Award of Merit from the AASLH Leadership in History Awards for the Catalog Modernization and Collection Organization Project.
The AASLH Leadership in History Awards, now in its 61st year, is the most prestigious recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of state and local history. Awards for 2006 represent 84 organizations and individuals from the United States. Award winners will be honored at a special banquet during the 2006 AASLH Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, on Saturday, September 16,2006. A generous contribution from The History Channel will once again help underwrite the cost of the awards banquet.
The AASLH awards program was initiated in 1945 to establish and encourage standards of excellence in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history throughout the United States.
The American Association for State and Local history is a not-for-profit professional organization of individuals and institutions working to preserve and promote history. From its headquarters in Nashville, Tennessee, AASLH provides leadership, service, and support for its members who preserve and interpret state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful in American society. AASLH publishes books, technical publications, a quarterly magazine, and monthly newsletter. The Association also sponsors regional and national training workshops and an annual meeting.
AASLH Awards Banquet Reception
September 16, 2006
A delegation from the Society accepts the AASLH Award of Merit at the AASLH Annual Convention. From left to right: Bethany Hawkins, AASLH; Richard H. Breithaupt, Jr., SR President Emeritus and Library Project Director; Brett A. Mac Donald, SR Board Member; Richard H. Breithaupt, Sr., SR Board Member; Wayne Rogers, SR Board Member; Donald Zuris, Ph.D., AASLH Awards Chairman; and William W. Huss, Jr., SR President Emeritus. Assisting in the Society's recognition but not pictured, was Elizabeth Hay, SR Friends of the Library Co-Chair; Paul F. Davis, General Society Sons of the Revolution; Joseph Brummit and Michael Denea of the Arizona Society SR.
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